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1、When working with a task board, in which column should a developer find a task that has NOT yet started? A. In progress B. Done C. To do D. Ready for testing 当利用任务板进行工作时,开发者可从哪一泳道中找到未开始的任务?

  • A:进展中

  • B:完成

  • C:待办

  • D:准备测试


2、Perry is explaining the Moscow technique which is often used in agile to prioritize user stories .What does the C stand for? A. Could disrupt B. Could Have C. Cannot have D. Could do without Perry正在解释在敏捷用户故事优先级中常用的MoSCoW技术。其中C代表什么?

  • A:可以中断

  • B:可能有

  • C:不能有

  • D:可以没有

B解析:MoSCoW技术是通常用在敏捷中,对故事进行优先级排序。 MoSCoW技术把用户故事以降序进行优先顺序排列: M-must have必须有; S-should have应该有; C-could have可以有; W-won't have this time这次不会有。 必须有的事物是对开发很重要的产品特征。 应该有的事物是对开发不是很重要但有重要商业价值的产品特征。 可以有的事物是能增加一些商业价值的产品特征。 会有的事物是有一点商业价值的产品特征。

3、Select a common agile framework/methodology A. Feature driven development (FDD) B. Quality driven development (QDD) C. Product driven development (PDD) D. Data driven development (DDD) 以下哪一项是常用敏捷框架或方法论?

  • A:特征驱动开发(FDD)

  • B:质量驱动开发 (QDD)

  • C:产品驱动开发 (PDD)

  • D:数据驱动开发 (DDD)

A解析:常见的敏捷架构/方法论包括: scrum, XP极限编程, 精益软件开发, 水晶, 特征驱动开发(FDD), 动态系统开发方法(DSDM), 敏捷统一过程(AUP)。

4、Which of following lists the four Agile Manifesto values? A.1) Individuals and collaboration over processes and tools, 2) Working software over comprehensive documentation, 3) Customer collaboration over contract, and negotiation 4) Responding to change over following a plan. B. 1) Individuals and interactions over processes and tools, 2) Comprehensive Documentation over working software,3) Customer collaboration over contract, and negotiation 4) Responding to change over following a plan. C. 1) Teams and interactions over Processes and tools, 2) Working Software cover comprehensive documentation,3) Customer collaboration over contract, and negotiation, 4) Responding to change over following a plan. D. 1) Individuals and interactions over processes and tools, 2) Working software over comprehensive documentation, 3) Customer collaboration over contract, and negotiation4) Responding to change over following a plan. 下面列出了四个敏捷宣言价值观的是?

  • A:1)个体和合作胜过过程和工具,2)工作软件胜过全面文档,3)客户合作胜过合同谈判,4)响应变化胜过遵循计划

  • B:1)个体和交互胜过过程和工具,2)全面文档胜过工作软件,3)客户合作胜过合同谈判,4)响应变化胜过遵循计划

  • C:1)团队和交互胜过过程和工具,2)工作软件取代全面文档,3)客户合作胜过合同谈判,4)响应变化胜过遵循计划

  • D:1)个体和交互胜过过程和工具,2)可工作的软件胜过全面文档,3)客户合作胜过合同谈判,4)响应变化胜过遵循计划


5、Of the following, which is an agile principle A. Defect reduction B. Regularly reflection on how to become more effective C. Focus on product value D. Test-driven development 以下哪一项符合敏捷原则?

  • A:减少缺陷

  • B:为提高效率做定期反思

  • C:注重产品价值

  • D:测试驱动开发


6、When value stream mapping it is important to identify areas of waste that exist in the process. The pneumatic device WIDETOM may be used to remember the different forms of waste. What does the M in WIDETOM stand for with respect to waste? A. Make-up WIP B. Mirroring C. Mistake D. Motion 在价值流程图中,能辨别出过程中存在的浪费是很重要的。WIDETOM可以用于记录不同种类的浪费。请问,M在WIDETOM中代表什么?

  • A:重组的WIP

  • B:再现

  • C:错误

  • D:动态

D解析:W-等待 I-库存 D-缺陷 E-额外流程 T-运输 O-过度生产 M-动态

7、Perry is about to prioritize user stories to develop a story map with her agile team. What technique is commonly used to do so? A. ToRonTO B. BoSToN C. MoSCoW D. HaMBurG Perry计划和她的敏捷团队正在对用户故事进行优先级排序,来开发一个用户故事地图,这时常用的技能是

  • A:ToRonTO

  • B:BoSToN

  • C:MoSCoW

  • D:Hamburg


8、What agile estimation technique is conducted using a deck of cards for quickly estimating the relative work effort of developing user stories in a product backlog? A. Affinity estimation B. Planning poker C. SMART D. Planning game 使用一副扑克快速估算大型产品待办事项的相对工作量时,运用的是哪一项敏捷估算技能?

  • A:亲和估算

  • B:计划扑克

  • C:SMART原则

  • D:计划游戏


9、In which framework are core roles categorized as the following three: product owner, scrum master, development team? A. Extreme programming (XP) B. Scrum C. Lean software development D. Agile unified process (AUP) 以下哪种敏捷实践的核心角色是:产品负责人,Scrum主管,开发团队

  • A:极限编程(XP)

  • B:Scrum

  • C:精益软件开发

  • D:敏捷统一过程(AUP)


10、Help Julian select a key principle of lean software development. A. Increasing inventory B. Amplifying defect detection C. Quality stream mapping D. Eliminating waste 请帮助朱莉安选出关于精益软件开发的一个重要原则

  • A:库存增加

  • B:加强缺陷检测

  • C:质量流程图

  • D:杜绝浪费

D解析:精益软件开发的原则是: 清除浪费; 强化学习; 尽可能晚决策; 尽可能早交付; 授权团队; 构建完整性; 全盘检视。

11、Jim has just finished building, testing, and integrating a feature in an iteration that has a WIP limit of four for features. How many other features could be in the middle of development on Jim’s team? A. No more than five B. No more than four C. No more than three D. No more than two 吉姆刚刚完成了一个迭代的构建、测试和集成功能,其特性的WIP限制为四。在吉姆团队的开发过程中,还有多少其他的特性呢?

  • A:不超过5

  • B:不超过4

  • C:不超过3

  • D:不超过2


12、Greg is pleased when the customer and project testers test his most recently developed feature, find that it passes acceptance criteria, and integrate it into the product. In which column should Greg now place the associated task card? A. To do B. Done C. In progress D. Ready for testing 格雷格最近开发的特性通过客户和项目测试者的测试,符合验收标准,并被合成到产品中,由此他非常高兴。现在格雷格应将相关任务卡片放置在哪一目录?

  • A:准备进行

  • B:完成

  • C:进展中

  • D:准备测试


13、Select the response that holds one of Ron Jeffries three Cs used to help define user stories. A. Collaboration B. Card C. Creative D. Customer-driven 以下哪一项属于罗恩•杰弗里斯的用来帮助定义用户故事的3C

  • A:合作

  • B:卡片

  • C:创新

  • D:客户导向


14、What are three essential elements of a user story? A. Product, goal, process B. Role, product, process C. Role, goal, achieved business value D. Role, goal, process 以下哪一项是一个用户故事的三项基本要素

  • A:产品,目标和流程

  • B:角色,产品和流程

  • C:角色,目标和可达到的商业价值

  • D:目标,角色和流程


15、Becky, as project leader, intends on building a high-performance team. What is a practice or technique she can use to build a high performance team ? A. Making all decisions for the team B. Having a team that is self-organizing and self-disciplined C. Promoting competition D. Assigning more work than can be accomplished in an iteration to set a sense of urgency 作为项目领导,Becky努力尝试建立一支高绩效的团队,那么她可采用的实践或技能是

  • A:为团队做所有的决策

  • B:拥有一支自组织团队

  • C:促进竞争

  • D:分配超出一次迭代可完成的工作量来建立一种紧迫感

B解析:建立一支高绩效的团队对于任何项目的成功至关重要。 一支高绩效的团队表现为: 授权正确的成员 建立信任 以可持续的步调工作 保持稳定的速度/生产率开发 有固定时间回顾和反思工作 有团队领导负责移除障碍并提供指导和教练 自主管理和自我约束 相互协作 可运用以下几种管理技能建立或促进高绩效的团队氛围: 移除任何降低团队绩效的障碍 对团队绩效持高期望 教练和指导团队达到自身的最佳绩效。

16、The agile development model consists of which of the following characteristics? A. An inflexible requirements definition process B. Development consists of multiple iterations C. Minimized customer feedback D. Five distinct phases 敏捷开发模型的特征包括

  • A:一个固定需求的定义过程

  • B:开发由多个迭代组成

  • C:最小化客户反馈

  • D:五个不同阶段


17、If a task is said to have the characteristic of being measurable, what does it indicate? A. That the task is achievable B. That the task can be verified by the team and customer C. That the task is timeboxed D. That the task is specific 如果一个任务可测量,这说明什么?

  • A:该任务是可以实现的

  • B:该任务能被团队和客户验证

  • C:该任务有时间箱

  • D:该任务是具体的


18、In scrum, what serves as the common bridge or connection between the product owner and team? A. The product datasheet B. The release plan C. The retrospective D. The product backlog 在Scrum中,作为产品负责人和团队之间桥梁的是

  • A:产品说明书

  • B:发布计划

  • C:回顾

  • D:产品待办事项


19、Christy is confused about the purpose of a product roadmap. She asks Thomas, her project manager, to identify a benefit of a product roadmap to help her understand a product roadmaps purpose. Select the benefit of a product roadmap A. Helps facilitate iteration development B. Helps facilitate prioritization of features C. Helps facilitate reflection meetings D. Helps facilitate daily stand-up meetings Christy不理解产品路线图的目的,她向项目经理求助,希望他说明产品路线图的优点,那么以下哪一项是其中的优点?

  • A:帮助促进迭代开发

  • B:帮助进行特征的优先级排序

  • C:帮助促进回顾会议

  • D:帮助促进每日站立会议


20、What is typically plotted in a risk burndown graph? A. risk impact B. risk severity C. risk mitigation factors D. risk likelihood 通常绘制在风险燃尽图中的是?

  • A:风险影响

  • B:风险严重程度

  • C:风险缓解因素

  • D:风险的可能性



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